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WinDaq Data Acquisition Software

For Obsolete DI-100, DI-120, DI-130, DI-190, DI-150, DI-151, DI-170, and DI-180 Serial Port Instruments and DI-194RS and DI-154RS Instruments running under Windows 3.1

The file you are about to download can be used to install WinDaq/Lite recording software and WinDaq Waveform Browser playback and analysis software. It supports all obsolete serial port instruments listed above as well as the DI-194RS and DI-154RS running under Windows 3.1. No other operating systems will be supported.

The following file is a self-extracting executable, simply click on it to start the download process. Create a new directory on your hard disk named disk1 and place the downloaded file in this new directory. When the download is complete, run the executable (the .exe file) to extract the individual program files.

Note: Be sure to completely UNINSTALL WinDaq software before installing this upgrade.

Revision 3.96

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